laundry renovations Canberra

While your laundry is a functional space, it should look just as beautiful as the rest of your home. Handling the domestic duties occupies a minimum of two hours a week—all the more reason to renovate your laundry into one that looks good and works hard.
Quite often, laundries are an overlooked feature in a home. We find them squeezed into the last available space, making the area crowded with un-usable storage and ineffective appliances. We are expert laundry renovators and know how to make your laundry pretty and practical.
ACT Renovations are the laundry renovation specialists in the Canberra Region. We have a particular niche in creating attractive, intuitive and functional laundries. All the laundries we build and design maximise their space for efficient access and practical use.
Our superior builds include Canberra’s best tradespeople, lavish appliances, and finishes. Our experienced team seamlessly manages your laundry renovation journey and minimises disruptions to ensure your daily life continues while we renovate.